
xxxxxxxxx, senior year student of Chemical Engineering, yyyyyy(college name), has been one of the best I have seen in my career.           

            I first got the chance to interact with Alhad when I supervised his Process Equipment Design course in his sophomore year. He impressed me with his ability to apply theoretical formulae in designing process equipment. He approached the design problems in an organized manner and made very good use of his strong basics. His performance manifested itself in the grade he got, which was the highest in the class.                                              

            In his junior year, xxxxxx took two courses of Reaction Engineering under me. He participated very earnestly in classroom discussions. His meticulous preparation for classes has always impressed me. His performance in tests showed his strong grip over Chemical Engineering fundamentals. As expected, he did extremely well in both courses.                                                                     

            I also supervised xxxx’s Reaction Engineering Laboratory course in his junior year. He faced no difficulty in transforming theoretical ideas into practice. His reports on the experiments that he did were very well written and reflected strong analytical ability. During the course, I observed that xxxxxxxx is very capable of working as part of a group. Once again, he got the highest possible grade.   

            Among the undergraduate students I have seen in my career,xxxxxxxxx would rank among the top 1%. Right from his sophomore year, I have felt that xxxxxxx has it in him to excel in the field of research. I am sure his strong grasp over basic principles will hold him in good stead. I have no hesitation in recommending xxxxxxxxxx for graduate study at your institute with full financial aid. I wish xxxxxx the very best of luck for everything that he sets out to achieve.

Date:                                                                                                                                 (Dr. yyyyyyyyyyyyy)

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