About BEAT Scorecard: BodhBridge Employability Aptitude Test (BEAT) scorecard is an employability benchmarking tool developed by BodhBridge ESPL (started by IIT Madras Alumni). BEAT will benchmark student's performance and help them to identify the skill gap. Using BEAT scorecard, a student can benchmark their performance and prepare accordingly.

Benefits of BEAT Scorecard:

  1. Self-analysis and Performance improvement
  2. Placement & Training: To guide you and helps you to improve your performance. The training team can plan training programs using BEAT scorecard
  3. Recruitment: You can show BEAT scorecard to a recruiter during placements to show your performance
  4. Company or Recruiter: Recruiter gets benchmarked profiles of the student to understand their performance

Analysis Approach:

  1. Btechguru User data has been analyzed across 7 years (From 2012 to 2019)
  2. More than 5 lakhs exams were taken by students during the period
  3. More than 1 crore answer attempts by students across India
  4. The difficulty level of every question was statistically calculated based on the above data
  5. Questions were given difficulty level scores
  6. Percentiles were calculated for each candidate based on their scores (Similar to CAT percentile)

Price per student to get BEAT Scorecard: Rs. 200+GST(18%)

For any queries, please contact Mr. Prashanth @ +91-9003106272 (or) email to gpkumar@btechguru.com

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