Samsung Group

Placement Experience :

Written Test :

There were only 50 objective questions total time was one hour.
30(quant and DI) and 20 logical reasoning
Quant part and DI part was easy.The toughest part was logical reasoning .(since given time was not sufficient).The paper was purely based on CAT .
There was also upper cut-off since, a student, which got all questions correctly and he also did very well in the interview ,did not get the offer.
The question which they asked in interview was basics like binary search algorithm.they also ask like any other company about the projects .
Profile Offered : Engineer Trainee
Pay Scale : 
Eligibility Criteria :
CGPA >6.5
General Advice :

                    1. Be quick and speedy in solving the problems. Demands shortcuts in Quantitative Aptitude and mathematics.
Details about the Company :

Samsung Group are a dynamic multi-national conglomerates. They are one of the world class leaders in technology, innovation, and product development.
Note: This data is collected from various students across the country.

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