

Placement Experience :

Written Test :


1 Written technical:

Technical covering O.S., Networking, C, Data structure, Basic Computer features [30 minutes, 50 questions]

2 Written Aptitude: (20 questions, 45 minutes, related to logical, English passage)

Interview experience:

Technical Interview questions: 

Programming in C and Operating System

HR round: It was general about career palns and your interests and weaknesses.

Profile Offered : Software Engineer

Pay Scale :  Not disclosed

Eligibility Criteria : CGPA >6.5. No backlogs

General Advice :

                               1.Deep Software knowledge and programming skills are mandatory.

Details about the Company :

TeamF1 is headquartered in Fremont, CA (U.S.A) in Silicon Valley where the founding engineering team is located. They also have a premier R&D facility in the bustling software hub city of Hyderabad, India: Embedded Infotech (P) Ltd. (EIT).

Note: This data is collected from various students across the country.

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