Placement Experience :
Written Test :
1. Aptitude: 45 minutes
45 questions in total. Refer R.S Agarwal or CSR.
15 questions from analytical.
30 questions from quantitative aptitude.
No test on English language.
2. Subjective questions.
10 questions: 30 minutes.
10 questions: 45 minutes.
The paper comprised of the following topics:
1. Algorithm analysis.
Finding time complexity of a program written in pseudo code.
Writing 1 pass algorithms for sorting with some given constraint(s).
2. Microprocessor.
Use of 5-6 mnemonics only and 3 registers we are asked to write a program.
3. C-language.
String operations without using standard string library functions.
4. Automata theory.
One nfa was given to accept bbb. We are to find a fsm that will accept aabb.
One fsm was given finding the number of string that it can accept.
The questions was little bit tricky but if prepare well for GATE examination,
this examination is quite suitable for you.
HR and Tech based.
Profile Offered : software engineer
Pay Scale : 9.5 LPA
Eligibility Criteria : >7 CGPA
General Advice :
1.Have good academic performance.
Details about the Company :
Adobe Systems Incorporated is an American computer software company headquartered in San Jose, California, USA. The company has historically focused upon the creation of multimedia and creativity software products, with a more-recent foray towards rich Internet application software development.
Note: This data is collected from various students across the country.